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What I Learned, Again, At My Last Two Art Shows

I wanted to give you a little insight to my last two art shows because I had experiences I wanted to share hoping you'll be inspired to find more peace.

When I do art shows, I am always grateful for the people who come into my booth and admire my art. It gives me a sense of value even if they don't buy anything because they ALWAYS express how 'peaceful', 'serene' and 'tranquil' my art makes them feel. Naturally I get the chills when they convey their feelings because I try to create an experience of inner peace and ahhh through my art. I have to admit though that when I do a show and my sales aren't what I expected...well, I get easily disappointed. The last two shows were quite interesting. While at the show in Monrovia I was very disappointed in the first three hours as it was a new location for the show with so much promise. Despite the curated vendors, music and activities for kids...not many people showed up. You see, I begin a show with excitement, anticipation, joy (yes, sweat too) and so when things don't turn out the way I hoped...I get a little down. Four hours into the show I received a group text from my sister informing us all that her significant other had a stroke and was in the hospital. My heart sank deeper. Yet, in that very moment I gained perspective. I quickly realized that I was at an art show on a beautiful day and I AM husband and kids are healthy too. Fortunately the rest of the show wasn't so bad as I left with a little money in my pocket and a lot of kind compliments and felt grateful for the experience, the wonderful people I met, the day and my excellent health.

Then...weeks later, I did another show, beginning again with excitement, anticipation and joy as this show had been especially good in the past and so I had BIG expectations. The Halloween parade kicked off the show and was a big hit as usual. It was fun to watch parents streaming down the street taking pictures of their costumed kids and listening to the high school band. Throughout the day I had people meander in and out of my booth and again received A LOT of great compliments but I have to admit...I was disappointed with the sales. Late in the day, after expressing my disappointment to my husband who was with me at the show, he said,

"'Mary, you must develop thicker skin and more gratitude for heaven's sakes.'

"I know, I KNOWWWWWWW," I sharply replied. (of course I later apologized for being snarky)

And then a little magic happened at the end of the day.

A beautiful couple came into my booth and we were chatting as she looked through my rack of stickers I created as reminders for well-being.

As she was looking I pointed out the "See The Good" sticker.

I said, 'This is such a good one and I especially have to remind myself to see the good!'

She said, 'Oh that is a good one and anyway, there's a lesson in everything."

"There IS a lesson in everything...isn't there!?" I replied.

"Thank you, I needed to hear that reminder," I said.

She made a purchase, the last sale of the day, and I gave her a hug.

After they left, my heart was lifted bringing awareness once again to how fortunate I am to be able to create and share my art with wonderful, kind, amazing people. I also again acknowledged to myself that I am healthy, my family is healthy and '

so what' that my sales weren't what I expected. What I DID receive was even more confirmation that my art invokes a sense of inner peace, perhaps the encouragement I needed to get off my butt and market my art to healing businesses in addition to doing art shows.

And so to you reading this post...Thank You for being part of my life and helping me see the good. Thank you for taking your precious time to come into my booth and enjoy my art. Thank you for reading this post all the way to the end.

May this story remind you too to ALWAYS consider what you DO HAVE...because remembering my sister's significant other (who is healing) and with the fires erupting here in California not too far from my home...I AM feeling very blessed to have all that I do right now in this very moment.

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